The Nordic Morning Group's corporate responsibility report 2013 complies fully with the reporting guidelines established by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The report complies with GRI Application level C.

The GRI Content Index lists the standard indicators from the current GRI Guidelines (G3) on which we report, and shows where the relevant information can be found in this report and in Nordic Morning's Financial statements 2013. The extent to which we report on each indicator is also specified.

The Application Level has been checked by a third party, PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy.

GRI Application level check 2013

GRI Indicator

GRI ContentReportedRemarks

Strategy and Analysis
1.1 CEO's statement Yes

Organizational Profile: Strategy
2.1 Name of the organization Yes
2.2 Primary brands, products and services Yes
2.3 Operational structure Yes
2.4 Location of organization's headquarters Yes
2.5 Number of countries and location of operations Yes

Nature of ownership and legal form
Corporate Governance

2.7 Markets served
2.8 Scale of the reporting organization
2.9 Significant changes regarding size, structure or ownership
CEO's review
Yes No significant changes during the reporting period
2.10 Awards received in the reporting period
Yes No awards received in the reporting period.

Reporting Principles: Corporate responsibility
3.1 Reporting period Yes
3.2 Date of most recent report Yes
3.3 Reporting cycle Yes
3.4 Contact point for questions regarding the report Yes
3.5 Process for defining report content (materiality, prioritizing topics and stakeholders using the report)
CR program
3.6 Boundary of the report Yes
3.7 Limitations on the report's scope or boundary Yes
3.8 Basis for reporting subsidiaries, joint ventures, leased facilities, outsourced operations and other entities affecting comparability Yes

Data measurement techniques and bases of calculations
Environmental responsibility Financial responsibility
Social responsibility
Environmental responsibility

3.10 Explanation of re-statements Yes No re-statements
3.11 Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary or measurement methods Yes No significant changes from previous reporting period
3.12 GRI content index Yes
3.13 Assurance policy and practice Yes

Governance, commitments and engagement
4.1 Governance structure of the organization
Corporate governance
4.2 Position of the Chairman of the Board
Corporate governance
4.3 Independence of the Board members
Corporate governance
4.4 Mechanism for shareholder and employee consultation
Corporate governance
Yes No employee representatives on the Board of directors
4.5 Impact of organization's performance on executive compensation (inc. social and environmental performance)
Corporate governance
Yes Linkage to CR performance not reported

Processes for avoiding conflicts of interest
Corporate governance


Processes for determining Board members' expertise in strategic management and sustainability
Corporate governance
Board of directors

4.8 Implementation of mission and values statements, code of conduct and other principles
Corporate responsibility
CEO's review
4.9 Procedures of the Board for overseeing management of sustainability performance, including risk management
Corporate responsibility
Risk management
4.10 Processes for evaluating the Board's performance
Corporate governance
4.11 Addressing precautionary approach
Coporate governance
Risk management
4.12 Voluntary charters and other initiatives
Memberships and certificates
4.13 Memberships in associations
Memberships and certificates
4.14 List of stakeholder groups
4.15 Identification and selection of stakeholders
4.16 Approaches to stakeholder engagement

Economic Performance Indicators: Financial responsibility

Management approach to economic responsibility
Financial responsibility
Corporate governance

EC1* Direct economic value generated and distributed
Financial responsibility

Financial implications, risks and opportunities due to climate change
Corporate responsibility


Coverage of defined benefit plan obligations
Corporate governance
Financial Statements 

Partly Financial statements 2013, Appendix 24, Pension obligations p. 45
EC4* Significant subsidies received from government Yes No subsidies received from government during the reporting period

Environmental Performance Indicators: Environmental responsibility
Management approach to environmental responsibility Yes
EN1* Materials used by weight or volume Yes
EN2* Recycled materials used Partly Cardboard boxes (85 tons in 2013) and recycled paper (25 tons in 2013).
EN4* Indirect energy consumption Partly
EN5 Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements Partly
EN6 Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services Partly Initiatives are listed in the box "How we reduce our carbon footprint".
Reductions in energy consumption not reported.
EN7 Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved Partly Initiatives are listed in the box "How we reduce our carbon footprint".
EN8* Total water withdrawal by source Yes Nordic Morning uses municipal water only.
EN16* Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions Yes
EN17* Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions Yes
EN18 Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Partly Achieved reductions not reported.
EN22* Total amount of waste by type and disposal method Yes
EN26* Mitigating environmental impacts of products and services Partly Reductions not reported.
EN28* Significant fines and sanctions for non-compliance with environmental regulations Yes There have been no fines and sanctions in 2013.
EN29 Environmental impacts of transportation Yes Carbon calculations include CO2-emissions from transportation.

Social Performance Indicators*: Social responsibilityGRI annex

*Klikkicom group is not included in the figures of LA2, LA4, LA6, LA7, LA10 and LA12

Management approach to social responsibility Yes
LA1* Total workforce by employment type, employment contract and region Partly Permanent employees: Sweden 406, Finland 332, Ukraine: 22
Temporary employees: Sweden 15, Finland 12,
White collar: Finland 220, Sweden 323, Ukraine 22. Blue collar: Finland 112, Sweden 82.
LA2* Total number and rate of employee turnover by age group, gender and region Partly Total left of own choice: Sweden 57, Finland 13, Ukraine 3 
Total left due to restructuring measures: Sweden 56, Finland 14,
Total recruited externally: Sweden 51, Finland 24, Ukraine 4
Rate of total employee turnover: Finland 0,21, Sweden -0,29, Ukraine 0,02
The %-shares by country and gender : Finland, men 52,2%, women 47,8%, Sweden, men 47%, women 53%, Ukraine, men 100%
LA4* Coverage of collective bargaining agreements Delvis

Sweden: 83%
Finland: 73%
Ukraina: 0%

LA5* Minimum notice period regarding operational changes Yes

Sweden: 2 months if up to 25 employees may be redundant, 4 months if 26-100 employees may be redundant; 6 months if more that 100 employees may be made redundant

Finland: For any organizational changes that have direct influence to the work of the employees the employer shall invite employee representatives to negotiate with a written invitation five days prior to negotiations. If organizational changes may lead to redundancies of less than 10 employees, a negotiation period of two weeks shall be applied. If organizational changes may lead to redundancies of more than 9 employees, a negotiation period of six weeks shall be applied.

LA 6 Percentage of employees represented in joint health and safety committees Partly

All companies have occupational safety committees in which the staff members share is under 25% of the total amount of the staff.

LA7* Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, fatalities and absenteeism Partly

Accumulative total sick leave: Finland 2,7%, Sweden 3,1%, Group 2,9%
Number of long term sick leaves (unpaid): 3
Number of accidents at work: Finland 4, Sweden 0
LTIF1 (lost time injury frequency up to 1 day): Sweden 0, Finland 1,61
LTIF3 (lost time injury frequency up to 3 days): Sweden 0, Finland 4,83

LA10* Average training hours per year per employee per personnel group Partly

Sweden 18, Finland 14, Ukraine 23, Group 15

LA 11

Programs for skills management and lifelong learning
Social responsibility

LA12 Employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
Social responsibility

68,2 percent of the Group’s staff had at least one development discussion with their manager.


Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees
Social responsibility


Breakdown of governance bodies:
Management team: 4 men, 3 women
Board of directors: 3 men, 3 women.

Product and Service Labeling
PR3* Product information required by procedures
Environmental responsibility

Practices related to customer satisfaction and results of customer satisfaction surveys
CR program

Partly Results not reported

* GRI Core indicator