
Our strong expertise and experience
in innovation will help us remain
successful well into the future.

Publishing 2013

Kati Niemelä, Managing Director, acting
Edita Publishing

"Edita Publishing creates, delivers and distributes content. The company helps
its customers develop their professional expertise and thereby operate more effectively. This is achieved by
offering tools with high-quality content, competence development and solutions
for content production and distribution."

High-quality learning

Edita Publishing serves many sectors, offering high-quality learning materials for comprehensive and upper secondary schools, vocational education and on-the-job learning. The services also include versatile content and information services.

The company produces up-to-date learning materials of high pedagogical quality. Effective and versatile learning materials save the teacher’s time, allowing for greater focus on teaching and the development of schoolwork.

The content services offered by the company cover digital and printed stakeholder magazines, annual reports, corporate responsibility reports, online publications compiled from extensive content such as information related to an organization’s history, printed books, books for tablet devices and digital archiving services. The services also include reference edition projects involving the compilation of written materials of opinion leaders into a website and digital archive.

Edita Publishing provides the most comprehensive legal information service in Finland, Edilex, a variety of legal information specific to individual branches of law, as well as versatile legal literature and professional training services.

The company is also a partner in official information services: it produces the Credita information and forms services, publishes the official journal of the Finnish state, Virallinen lehti, and maintains the Finlex and Hilma online information services.

The company also serves other professionals, such as experts in the fields of law, taxation, human resource management, the environment and health care.

Customers in both the private and public sector need tools that provide up-to-date information in a reliable manner and help them maintain their expertise in a changing operating environment.

The National Centre for Professional Development in Education Educode Oy supports the development work of teaching and education professionals and educational institutions.

The company offers versatile training and development services for the public sector in general, and for municipalities in particular. 

The services help experts in contexts such as change processes, multicultural operating environments and managing the digital and media transformation.


Edita Publishing achieved a good financial result in 2013, despite investing in new development projects and operating in an environment where customer behavior was characterized by caution. Turnover and the result declined slightly, but profitability remained at a good level.

The economic slowdown was reflected in a trend of cost cutting in both the public and private sectors. Difficulties in the municipal economy and public administration, in particular, slowed down customers’ decision-making. Schools are preparing for new curricula, which will also have an impact on the content and renewal of learning materials. The new national core curricula will come into force in 2016.

In 2013, the company strengthened its electronic services. Edilex and Credita were renewed, and reference edition projects were used to create an entirely new service concept. For upper secondary education, new electronic learning materials were developed in response to teachers’ needs. The customer feedback regarding the revisions and renewal efforts indicates that the company is developing in the right direction.


Edita Publishing will continue its long-term development work in 2014. New kinds of digital services will be launched for both current and new customer groups. Digital services will be increasingly tailored to customer needs. Edita Publishing will organize an event for lawyers entitled Käräjät 2014 (Court sessions 2014), a large biennial professional training event with hundreds of participating lawyers.

The challenges arising from economic conditions and the market situation will continue in 2014, but Edita Publishing aims to maintain its turnover and profitability at the current level through a systematic and long-term approach to its operations.

Other business areas

Marketing Services

Serving customers all over
the Nordic region

The business area comprises:
Citat Oy and Klikkicom Oy in
Finland; Citat AB, KliKKi AB,
Mods Graphic Studio AB, and
associate company Brand Systems
International AB in Sweden; and
Citat Ukraine LLC in Ukraine.

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Editorial Communication

Content strategy tailored
for any channel

The business area comprises
JG Communication AB in Sweden.

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Print & Distribution

Clever combinations
of printed and digital

The business area comprises
Edita Prima Oy in Finland as
well as Edita Bobergs AB and
Sandvikens Tryckeri AB in

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